![](https://cdn.istrona.pl/iwahlab.com/media/rituals title.jpg)
From the organizers:
Societies are unified by rituals, and we are embarking on an exciting exploration into rituals that have the potential to foster a genuine global community. These rituals must transcend the fear that often transforms relationships into antagonistic dynamics while avoiding the simplistic promotion of in-group trust or identity, which inevitably create out-groups. This seminar focuses on the nature of rituals that build community solidarity rather than mere group cohesion. What kinds of transpersonal emotions and collective effervescence do these rituals invoke? How can we effectively measure their impact? And perhaps most importantly, how can we inspire people to participate in new, potentially unconventional rituals that may seem irrational at first glance?
The seminar:
Huseyin Cakal Keele -Chair
Who feels a part of all humanity? Global social identifications in 45 countries. Katarzyna Hamer-den Heyer Ph.D. Institute of Psychology of Polish Academy of Sciences
Collective gatherings rituals and identification with humanity. Darío Páez Rovira Ph.D. Universidad del País Vasco -Spain
Participation in a Mixed-race Collective Ritual and Identification with All Humanity: A Longitudinal Study in Colombia. Camilo Rincón Unigarro Universidad de la Sabana - Colombia
Might Ritual Be Used to Further Global Solidarity? Joseph de Rivera Ph.D. Clark University - USA
Link https://youtube.com/live/G6O-eq7L3Cw?feature=share