In our new paper, you will read about our laboratory study, where people with high and low IWAH performed a LEGO task in inter-ethnic dyads:
Individuals who have the disposition to identify with all humanity declare feeling close to people all over the world, caring about them, and perceiving them as an ingroup. However, never before were such declarations verified by measures of intergroup attitudes less direct than questionnaires, such as approach/avoidance tendencies or dynamical systems methods. Since individuals with higher dispositional identification with all humanity (IWAH) perceive people all over the world as ingroup members, we expected differences in the dynamic of inter-ethnic interactions (spatial distance, coordination, coupling, and leading), depending on a participant’s level of IWAH. 227 participants fulfilled the IWAH scale, and those with the highest and lowest scores took part in a laboratory study, performing a task in inter-ethnic dyads. For the first time, an approach that combines a state-of-the-art tracking algorithm with a dynamical systems method was applied in such a context. Our results showed that those higher in IWAH kept a smaller distance from a partner, took a more leading role, and showed better coordination than those lower in IWAH. We found a similar trend for coupling. The results demonstrated the importance of IWAH for inter-ethnic relations and how it may shape nonverbal behaviors. Limitations are discussed.
Find out more: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-25905-9