Here we link initiatives from different countries supporting Ukrainian colleagues:
> Science for Ukraine: https://scienceforukraine.eu/
> Portal from European Commission ERA4Ukraine: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/ukraine
> Help in Poland: Polish Academy of Sciences grants (financing: travel, stay for 3 months with a prolongation): link, and NAWA (Poland) for Ukraine: https://nawa.gov.pl/ukraina
> Help in Israel: University of Haifa (financing: accommodation, scholarships for graduate students (Master and Ph.D.), postdoctoral researchers and visiting scholars and faculty affected by the war in Ukraine): more information: file; submission form: link
> Help in the UK: British CARA (the Council for At-Risk Academics): link, and Universities of Sanctuary in the UK: link
> Help in Switzerland: https://www.unibe.ch/ukraine/for_people_who_have_to_leave_ukraine/index_eng.html
> Help in Germany: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation link and Volkswagen Foundation link