The main goal of the project was to analyze the personality-value Nexus of Identification with All Humanity on the U.S. sample.
This project is investigating the impact of a direct, multicultural experience on Identification With All Humanity in a pre-test vs. post-test design. University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire students who are studying abroad to the countries of Italy, Spain, and Australia are involved in the research. Thus far, participants have completed the initial pre-test survey (prior to their study abroad program), and most recently completed the post-test survey after returning from their programs this Spring 2020.
The project is also examining the impact of a direct, multicultural experience on other outcomes, including the value of universalism, social dominance orientation, and several Big-Five personality factors (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness). A follow-up study abroad project is currently being planned for the 2020-2021 academic year.
The main goal of the project is to analyze psychological predictors and consequences of broad supranational social identifications such as identification with all humanity (IWAH) in the cross-cultural context. This project includes experiments, cross-sectional studies, and an opinion poll. It has many stages and is executed in cooperation between researchers from six countries: Poland, the USA, the UK, Mexico, Chile, and France.
The project has been finished and the process of changing the results into papers is in progress. Check our news, and publication sections!