Katarzyna Hamer from IWAHLAB takes part in a project: "The influence of COVID19 pandemic on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors of Poles." The reports for media are available here: https://covid19psychologia.com/
Our reports have got a lot of interest from media, e.g. in interviews:
Radio program (10th Sept): Why do some people deny the existence of a pandemic and refuse to follow recommendations? Where is the popularity of coronavirus conspiracy theories coming from? Who believes that restrictions are a violation of our freedom? Katarzyna Hamer answered these questions in a radio program (in Polish) for Radio PiK (available at https://iwahlab.com/publications - in press section)
and in short media reports:
and others, such as (to name few):
https://panelariadna.pl/news/55 and https://panelariadna.pl/news/56
We were invited as experts for interviews with television networks: Polsat news and TVN24 "coronavirus report" series, as well as with few radio stations, see e.g. https://www.polsatnews.pl/wideo-program/20200405-wydarzenia-1850_6768218/ (from 23rd minute) or here https://audycje.tokfm.pl/podcast/88714,Czego-Polacy-boja-sie-trakcie-epidemii
The team working on this project:
Katarzyna Hamer (IP PAS), Maria Baran (USWPS), Marta Marchlewska (IP PAS) and Krzysztof Kaniasty (IP PAS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania).