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During this year's ISPP annual meeting, join us on Saturday, July 16, at 10.45 Athens time (10.45-12.15), for 4 presentations and sharing memories about our beloved mentor, Sam McFarland.
Session 82: Commemorating Roundtable Panel for Sam McFarland: Humanity facing global problems and challenges: the role of global human identification
Room: Parthenon
Chairs: Dr. David Sparkman, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Katarzyna Hamer, Institute of Psychology of Polish Academy of Sciences
1. Moderating Extremist Views: The Impact of Identification With All Humanity
* Justin D. Hackett
Amber M. Gaffney
Andie Wilson
2. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Who is Concerned about Global Issues beyond the Spread of Diseases?
* Katarzyna Hamer-den Heyer
Maria Baran
3.Evaluating an Experimental Manipulation that Increases the Salience of Identification with Humanity
* David Sparkman
4.Superordinate Identities and Self-Transcendent Emotions: Enhancing Identification with All Humanity through the Experience of Self-Transcendent Emotions
* Anna Włodarczyk
Lander Mandez
Olaia Cusi
Dario Paez