Katarzyna Hamer

Short description

Ph.D., social and political psychologist, Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

Places of work

Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland).

Visiting Professor at Western Kentucky University (USA), Talca University (Chile), Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile), and Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Escola de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (ISCTE-IUL, Portugal).

Guest Editor of the Research Topic in Frontiers in Psychology: Global Human Identification: Studies of Its Roots, How It May Be Enlarged, and Its Expressions in Attitudes and Behavior

Member of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), European Association of Social Psychology (EASP),  International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), and Polish Association of Social Psychology (PSPS).

Member of the Board of the Foundation for the Development of Polish Psychology (Fundacja na rzecz Rozwoju Polskiej Psychologii im. Tadeusza Tomaszewskiego).

Graduated in psychology at the University of Warsaw. Received her Ph.D. and habilitation in psychology at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland).

Summary of research

Identification with all humanity, broad social identifications,
humanitarian measures, intergroup forgiveness, human rights, prosocial attitudes and behaviors,
prejudice, dehumanization, hate crimes;
criteria of including others into own national group;
attitudes toward religious symbols;
conspiracy theories, the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors;
Big Two.

Research interests

My primary research interests are predictors and social consequences of broad social identifications (in particular identification with all humanity); I led an international project in this area.

I have researched the concept of identification with all humanity for few years. My research program has mostly focused on identification with all humanity (IWAH) measured as a stable individual characteristic, its antecedents, and social consequences. Ongoing projects will broaden this topic with research on situationally activated global human and citizenship identities.

My other interests include criteria of including others into own national group (criteria of "belonging" to a national group) in a cross-cultural context, attitudes toward religious symbols in public space, understanding of ambiguous group terms by laypeople (e.g. an “ethnic group” concept), conspiracy theories, and the influence of COVID-19 pandemic on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors.


Selected publications:


Hamer, K., Boczkowska, M., Kaniasty, K., Górska, P., Baran, M., & Urbańska, B. (2024). Potential Changes in Ties With People All Over the World During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses of Polish Adults. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 12(2), 188-208. https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.12589

Kaniasty, K., Baran, M., Urbańska, B., Boczkowska, M., & Hamer, K. (2024). Sense of danger, sense of country's mastery, and sense of personal mastery as concomitants of psychological distress and subjective well‐being in a sample of Poles following Russia's invasion of Ukraine: Prospective analyses. Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being, 16(3), 967-985. https://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12483


Hackett, J., & Hamer, K. (2023). Editorial: Global human identification: studies of its roots, how it may be enlarged, and its expressions in attitudes and behavior. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1253525. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1253525

Hamer K. & McFarland, S. (2023). The role of early intergroup experiences for identification with all humanity in adulthood. Frontiers in Psychology. 14:1042602. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1042602

McFarland, S., Hamer K. & Hackett, J. eds. (2023). Global human identification: Studies of its roots, how it may be enlarged, and its expressions in attitudes and behavior. Lausanne: Frontiers Media SA. doi:10.3389/978-2-8325-2782-5


Hamer, K., López Pérez, D., Drogosz, M. & Goworek, H. (2022). The dynamics of dyadic interactions between people of different ethnicities depend on their identification with all humanity. Scientific Reports.12, 21671 http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-25905-9

Feng, Y., Warmenhoven, H., Wilson, A., Jin, Y., Chen, R., Wang, Y., Hamer, K. (2022). The Identification With All Humanity (IWAH) scale: its psychometric properties and associations with help-seeking during COVID-19. Current Psychology. Online first. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-022-03607-9

Marchlewska, M., Hamer, K., Baran, M., Górska, P., & Kaniasty, K. (2022). COVID-19: Why Do People Refuse Vaccination? The Role of Social Identities and Conspiracy Beliefs: Evidence from Nationwide Samples of Polish Adults. Vaccines, 10(2), 268. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines10020268


Baran, M., & Hamer, K. (2021). Młodzi dorośli podczas pandemii Covid-19. [Young adults during COVID-19 pandemic] In: Skarżyńska, K. (ed.). Młodzi dorośli : identyfikacje, postawy, aktywizm i problemy życiowe [Young adults: their identifications, attitudes, activism, and life problems] (pp. 99-123). Warszawa: Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji im Marka Dietricha.

Baran, M., Hamer, K., Marchlewska, M., Baran, T., & Kaniasty, K. (2021). Gotowość do pomagania i udzielanie pomocy w pandemii COVID-19: rola orientacji politycznych. [Readiness to help and giving help in the COVID-19 pandemic – the role of political orientations] In: M. Kaczmarek-Śliwińska (ed.) Medialno-społeczny obraz Covid-19: Solidarność czy polaryzacja – Podsumowanie, diagnoza, rekomendacje [The media and social image of Covid-19: Solidarity or Polarization - Summary, diagnosis, recommendations ] (pp. 11-43). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SBP.

Bertin, P., Nera, K., Hamer, K., Uhl-Haedicke, I., & Delouvée, S. (2021). Stand out of my Sunlight: The Mediating Role of Climate Change Conspiracy Beliefs in a Relationship between National Collective Narcissism and Climate Science Rejection. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.24(5), 738-758. https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430221992114

Greszta, E., Świderska, J., Zalewska-Łunkiewicz, K., Obidziński, M., Ryś, M., Hamer, K. (2021). Gender differences in patient-perceived changes to the system of values after a cancer diagnosis, Patient Education and Counseling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2021.07.007

Hamer, K. (2021). Identyfikacje społeczne młodych Polaków oraz uznawane przez nich kryteria polskości i fundamenty moralne. [Social identifications of young Poles, their criteria of being a Pole and their moral foundations]. In: Skarżyńska, K. (ed.). Młodzi dorośli: identyfikacje, postawy, aktywizm i problemy życiowe [Young adults: their identifications, attitudes, activism, and life problems] (pp. 17-34). Warszawa: Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji im Marka Dietricha.

Hamer, K., Baran, M., Marchlewska, M. & Kaniasty, K (2021). Zmiany w identyfikacjach społecznych, myśleniu spiskowym, obawach, dorastanie i zachowaniach Polaków podczas pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19. [Changes in social identifications, conspiracy thinking, fears, well-being and behaviors of Poles during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic]. In J. Paluchowski, L. Bakiera (eds.). Psychospołeczny obraz pierwszej fali pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce. [Psychosocial image of a first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Poland]. (pp. 125-143 ). Poznan: Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM. DOI:10.14746/amup.9788323239956

Hamer, K., Penczek, M., McFarland, S., Włodarczyk, A., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Golińska, A.,  Manrique Cadena, L., Ibarra, M., Bertin, P., Delouvée, S. (2021). Identification With All Humanity - a test of the factorial structure and measurement invariance of the scale in five countries. International Journal of Psychology. 56 (1), 157-174. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12678


Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Czarnecka, B., Golińska, A., Manrique Cadena, L., Łużniak-Piecha, M., & Jułkowski, T. (2020). What is an "ethnic group" in ordinary people’s eyes? Different ways of understanding it among American, British, Mexican, and Polish respondents. Cross-Cultural Research, 54, 28-72. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069397118816939

Sparkman, D., & Hamer, K. (2020). Seeing the Human in Everyone: Multicultural Experiences Predict More Positive Intergroup Attitudes and Humanitarian Helping through Identification with All Humanity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 79, 121-134. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2020.08.007


Hamer, K., McFarland, S., & Penczek, M. (2019). What lies beneath? Predictors of Identification with All Humanity. Personality and Individual Differences, 141. 258-267. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.12.019

McFarland, S., Hackett, J., Hamer, K., Katzarska-Miller, I., Malsch, A., Reese, G., Reysen, S. (2019). Global Human Identification and Citizenship: A Review of Psychological Studies. Political Psychology, 6, 141-171.  https://doi.org/10.1111/pops.12572


Hamer, K., Penczek, M., & Bilewicz, M. (2018). Between universalistic and defensive forms of group attachment. The indirect effects of national identification on intergroup forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 131, 15-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2018.03.052


Hamer, K., Penczek, M., & Bilewicz, M. (2017). "Humanum ignoscere est”. The relationships of national and supranational identifications with intergroup forgiveness. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 257-263. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2016.09.058

Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Łużniak-Piecha, M., & Golińska, A. (2017). Multiple social identifications and their relation to life satisfaction, physical well-being, and feeling of discrimination in the cross-cultural context. Fides et Ratio, 4(32)2017, 396-419.


Hamer, K., & Penczek, M. (2016). Wybaczenie międzygrupowe a szerokie identyfikacje społeczne [Intergroup forgiveness and broad social identifications]. Fides et Ratio, 2, 112-127.

Łużniak-Piecha, M., Hamer, K., Manrique Cadena, L., Golińska, A., & McFarland, S. (2016). Cross-cultural research project management. When scientists are becoming international project managers. Studia Społeczne [Social Studies], 15(2), 13-21.

McFarland, S., & Hamer, K. (2016). Rafał Lemkin: jak ludobójstwo zostało uznane za zbrodnię [Raphael Lemkin: how genocide became a crime]. Civitas et Lex. 69-85.


Radkiewicz, P., Skarżyńska, K., & Hamer, K. (2013). The influence of the Big Two: The perception of people in relation to negativistic beliefs about the social world. Social Psychology, 44,  75-83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1864-9335/a000146


Hamer, K. (2012). Identyfikacje społeczne a płeć biologiczna i psychologiczna [Social identifications, gender and biological sex]. In: A. Chybicka, N. Kosakowska-Berezecka, & P. Pawlicka (esd.). Podróże między kobiecością a męskością [Travels between feminity and masculinity] (17-38). Kraków: Impuls.

 selected earlier publications:

Hamer, K., & Gutowski, J. (2009). Identification with all humanity in Poland and its behavioral consequences. In S. Scuzzarello, C. Kinnvall, & K. Monroe (Eds.). On behalf of others: The psychology of care in a global world (pp. 163–183). New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195385557.003.0009

Conference & presentations

Selected conferences and presentations (by year):


       Bornman, E., Hamer, K. (2024). Global identifications and humanitarian attitudes: The case of South Africa. 33rd International Congress of Psychology. Prague, Czechia.

       Hackett J.D., Hamer K., Penczek M., Marcinkowska K. (2024). Activating Global Social Identifications: Human Rights and Global Concerns, The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues conference, Philadelphia, USA. 

       Hackett J.D., Hamer K., Penczek M., Marcinkowska K., Gkinopoulos, T., Wlodarczyk, A., Hackett, K. & Hackett, P. (2024). An International Examination of Global Human Identification And Political Orientation. The Society for Personality and Social Psychology’s Annual Convention, San Diego, USA.

     Hamer K., Gkinopoulos, T., Marcinkowska K. (2024). Framing of political messages: Discursive constructions of the national and global social identities in the speeches of two opposing countries' leaders involved in the war in Ukraine. CfP Conference “Emotional Dynamics of (In)security and Politics.” Saarbrücken, Germany.

       Hamer K., Marcinkowska K., Nowak, B. (2024). Are religious people more identified with all humanity? Studies from 44 countries. 19th Annual Meeting of the Polish Social Psychological Society, Katowice, Poland.

       Hamer K., Penczek M., Marcinkowska K., Wlodarczyk A., Bertin P., Carmona M., Loy L., Sparkman D., Gkinopoulos, T. & the team from 45 countries (2024). Activating global social identifications and their potential consequences - an international experimental study. XXVII International Congress of the IACCP, Bali, Indonesia.

       Hamer, K. & Wlodarczyk, A. (2024). Global social identifications and their social consequences in a cross-cultural lens. A symposium at XXVII International Congress of the IACCP, Bali, Indonesia.

       Loy, L.S., Masur, P.K., Spence, A., Tam, K.-P., Wlodarczyk, A., Kirchhoff, S., Kuhlmann, J., Scheuermann, A., Wagner, I., Bertin, P., Carmona, M., Sparkman, D., & Hamer, K. (2024). & many more collaborators in 45 countries. (2024). Global identity & climate protection in light of country-specific climate risks – A cross-cultural comparison in 45 nations. DGPs/ÖGP Congress, Vienna, Austria. September

       Spence, A., Loy, L.S., Masur, P.K., Tam, K.-P., Hamer, K., Wlodarczyk, A., Bertin, P., Carmona, M., Sparkman, D. (2024). If less vulnerable to climate change, will you care more if you feel part of global humanity? XXVII International Congress of the IACCP, Bali, Indonesia.

       Marcinkowska K., Hamer K., Penczek M., Nowak, B. (2024). Activating global social identifications and their potential consequences - an international experimental study. XXVII International Congress of the IACCP, Bali, Indonesia.

       Moriizumi S., Bertin P., Carmona M., Hamer, K., Loy L., Sparkman D. (2024). Exploring the Impact of Global Identification Labels on Prosocial Intentions. Poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's Annual Convention, San Diego, USA.

       Penczek, M., Hamer, K. (2024). Who is worried about the uncontrolled development of AI? Data from 45 countries. Human Tech Summit, USWPS, Warsaw, Poland.

        Wlodarczyk A., Hamer K., Penczek M., Marcinkowska K., (2024). Concern for global issues in 45 countries: predictive role of global social identifications and cultural dimensions. XXVII International Congress of the IACCP, Bali, Indonesia.


        Gkinopoulos, T., Hamer, K., Marcinkowska, K., Wlodarczyk, A., Tam, K.-P., Pong, V., Igbokwe, D. (2023). All humanity or citizens of the world? Similarities and differences in describing different labels used in global social identities concepts. 19. General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Kraków, Poland.
       Hamer, K., López Pérez, D., Drogosz, M. & Goworek, H. (2023). Identification with all humanity and the dynamics of diadic interactions between people of different ethnicities.19. General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Kraków, Poland.
       Hackett, J., Hamer, K., Penczek M., Marcinkowska K., Bertin P., Carmona M., Loy L., Sparkman D., Wlodarczyk A., Akello G., Benningstad N., Bierwiaczonek K., Enea V., Espinoza A., Gkinopoulos T., Guerra R., Hofhuis J., Kaniasty K., Pešout O., Spence A., Stöckli S. (2023). Global identification and human rights: The impact of political orientation and cultural change. Regional meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Limerick, Ireland.
       Hamer, K. et al. (2023). Global identifications in cultural clusters. Regional meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Limerick, Ireland.
        Marcinkowska, K., Hamer, K. et al. (2023). Similarities and differences in describing various global identity labels in 13 countries. Regional meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Limerick, Ireland.
        Penczek, M., Hamer, K., Marcinkowska K., Bertin P., Carmona M.,  Loy L., Sparkman D., Wlodarczyk A., Baran M. (2023). How cultures impact the connection between global identifications and prosocial attitudes. Regional meeting of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Limerick, Ireland.

2022 and earlier:

       Hamer, K. (2022). Sam McFarland: In Memoriam. Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology Athens, Greece.
       Hamer, K., Baran, M. (2022). During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Who is Concerned about Global Issues beyond the Spread of Diseases? Annual meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology Athens, Greece. 
        Hamer, K., McFarland, S. (2021). Can early experiences enlarge Global Human Identification?  (virtual) International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Prague, Czech Republic.
        Hamer, K., McFarland, S. (2021). Identification with all humanity as a predictor of blatant dehumanization and intergroup forgiveness, 43. Annual Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Montreal, Canada.
       Sparkman, D., & Hamer, K. (2020). Multicultural Experiences Hinder Negative Attitudes and Enhance Helping through Identification with All Humanity. 42. Annual Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Berlin, Germany.
        Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Penczek, M. (2019). What lies beneath? Predictors of identification with all humanity. 42. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Lisbon, Portugal.       
        Hamer, K., Paterson, J., Drogosz, M., McFarland, S.,  (2019). Psychological determinants of outgroup reactions to hate crimes: the role of collective narcissism and human identification. 42. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Lisbon, Portugal.
         Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Włodarczyk, A., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Golinska, A., Cadena L.M., & Ibarra Espinosa, M. (2018).  Identification with all humanity in connection with global concern, protection of human rights and prosocial activities toward people from different countries - a study in the US, Mexico, Chile and Poland. 24. Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Guelph, Canada.
         Hamer, K., Jułkowski, T., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Manrique Cadena, L., Golińska, A., Czarnecka, B., McFarland, S. (2018). What is ‘Ethnic Group’? Different Ways of Understanding it among U.S., U.K., Polish, and Mexican Students. 24. Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Guelph, Canada.
        Penczek, M., Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Włodarczyk, A., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Golińska, A., Cadena L.M., & Ibarra Espinosa, M. (2018), Is human identification universal? Cross-cultural equivalence of the Identification With All Humanity scale; 24. Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Guelph, Canada.  
       Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Włodarczyk, A., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Hamer, H., Gasparski, P., (2018). Identification with all humanity and prosocial activities toward people from different countries - a study in Poland, Chile and the US. International conference "Between narcissism and entitlement: Self-enhancement in a cross-cultural perspective”, Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K., Jułkowski, T., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Manrique Cadena, L., Golińska, A., Czarnecka, B., McFarland, S. (2017). What is an ‘ethnic group’? Different ways of understanding it among American, British, Mexican and Polish students - a cross-cultural research project. 9. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP) European Congress, Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K.,  Drogosz, M., McFarland,S., Manrique Cadena, L., Golińska, A.,  Kruszewski, K. , Piven, S., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Penczek, M. (2017). The role of human identification in automatic and controlled processes of prejudice and dehumanization. 40. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Edinburg, UK. 
      Hamer, K.  (2017). How can we enlarge the sense that all humanity is one family? 40. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Edinburg, UK.
      Hamer, K., Drogosz, M. (2017). Faces of Races: Automatic Dehumanization and its connection to Identification with All Humanity (poster). 18. General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP), Granada, Spain.   
      Hamer, K., Penczek, M., McFarland, S., Bilewicz, M. (2017).  Let’s forgive them: the relationship of national and supranational identifications with intergroup forgiveness. Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID), Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Czarnecka, B., Manrique Cadena, L., Golińska, A. (2016). Criteria of belonging to national group from American, British and Polish perspective – cross-cultural research. 39. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K. (2016).  Attitudes towards religious symbols in public places and their psychological predictors. 39. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K., McFarland, S., Łużniak-Piecha, M., Golińska, A. (2016). Satisfaction with life, feelings of discrimination, and their connection to social identifications. 39. Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Warsaw, Poland.
      Hamer, K., Bilewicz, M. (2016).  Support towards religious symbols in public space and its predictors. 31. International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.
      Hamer, K., Łużniak-Piecha, M., McFarland, S., Czarnecka, B. (2016). Criteria for  belonging to a national group according to Americans, Britons and Poles: differences and similarities. 31. International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan.
      Hamer, K., Penczek, M., Bilewicz, M. (2014). Mutual relationship of national and supranational identifications with forgiveness: lights and shades of national identification. 37. Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Rome, Italy.
     Penczek, M., Hamer, K. (2014).  Influence of shared identity on Perception of conciliatory actions and forgiveness toward a transgressing group, Congress of the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Reims, France. 
      Hamer, K., Penczek, M., Bilewicz, M. (2013). Different aspects of national identification and common categorization with the perpetrator as predictors of intergroup forgiveness. International conference IV Tajfel Seminar “History, Reconciliation & Intergroup Relations”, Warsaw, Poland.
     Hamer, K. (2012). Identification with all humanity and its predictors. 30. International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa.
     Hamer, K. (2011). Social identities and well-being in Poland. European, National and Regional Identity conference, Oradea, Romania.
     Hamer, K. (2011). Volunteers and their social identities. 34. Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Istanbul, Turkey.
     Hamer, K., (2010). Social identities and religion. 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), San Francisco, USA.
     Hamer, K. (2010). Poland in Transformation: Changes in Social Identities and Criteria of Being Polish after 1995. International conference "From the totalitarianism towards democracy in Central-Eastern Europe. Contributions of Political Psychology to Understanding of Transformation Process in the Region" (ISPP local conference). Warsaw, Poland.
     Hamer, K. (2009). Changes in social identifications, religiousness and well-being in Poland during years of system transformation. 32. Annual Scientific Meeting of International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Dublin, Ireland.