Margarida Carmona e Lima

Short description

Ph.D., Social psychologist, Consultant at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (UNESCO MGIEP), New Delhi, India; graduated from University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)

Places of work

Consultant at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (UNESCO MGIEP), New Delhi, India.
A former researcher at Center for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte), Lisbon, Portugal


Summary of research

All-inclusive superordinate identities; all-inclusive forms of social identification; all-inclusive social categories and labels;
ingroup projection; prosocial intentions and behaviors; power relations; majority and minority groups; intergroup relations.

Research interests

My main research interest is to understand, from a social-psychological perspective, the optimal conditions in which all-inclusive identities, such as global citizenship and identification with all humanity, can contribute to building more inclusive, prosocial, and empowering communities.

My Ph.D. research focused on the social meanings and cognitive representations of all-inclusive labels, such as citizens of the world and humans, and their impact on intergroup relations.

More generally, I’m interested in studying intergroup relations among majority and minority groups, particularly within power relations and migrations context.


Selected publications:

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Dovidio, J., Hofhuis,J. & Sindic, D. (2022).  Unpacking all-inclusive superordinate categories: Comparing correlates and consequences of global citizenship and human identities [Manuscript submitted for publication].

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., & Hofhuis, J.(2022). What does it mean to be a “citizen of the world”: A prototype approach.Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53 (6), 547-569.

Carmona, M., Sindic, D., Guerra, R., &Hofhuis, J. (2020). Human and global identities: Different prototypical meanings of all-inclusive identities. Political Psychology, 41(5), 961-978.

Carmona, M. (2021). From inclusive identities to inclusive societies: comparing the content, structure, and impact of all inclusive superordinate categories [Doctoral dissertation, Iscte -Instituto Universitário de Lisboa]. Repositório do Iscte.

Guerra, R.; Rodrigues, R. B.; Aguiar, C.;Carmona, M.; Alexandre, J.; Costa-Lopes, R. (2019). School achievement and well-being of immigrant children: the role of acculturation orientations and perceived discrimination". Journal of School Psychology 75, 104-118.

Conference & presentations

Selected recent presentations:

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Hofhuis, J. &Sindic, D. (2022, June). De identidades inclusivas a sociedades inclusivas: Comparação do conteúdo, estrutura, e impacto de categorias supraordenadasall-inclusive [Oral presentation]. XI Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal.

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Hofhuis, J. &Sindic, D. (2021, July). Human and global identification and the promotion of autonomy and dependency-oriented help towards migrants [Oral presentation]. ISPP 2021 Annual Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology, Virtual Meeting.

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Sindic, D. &Hofhuis, J. (2020, July). Unpacking all-inclusive identities: Different meanings of global citizenship vs. human identities [Oral presentation]. ISPP 2020 Annual Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology, Virtual Meeting.

Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Sindic, D. &Hofhuis, J. (2019, June). The complexities of large "We's": Differentmeanings of highly inclusive identities [Oral presentation]. IX Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia, Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Portugal.