Short description
Ph.D. student at the Institute of Psychology of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland; Research assistant in the "Global social identifications" project
Places of work
Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of Psychology of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Summary of research
Freedom, Identification with all humanity, human and animal rights, prosocial attitudes and behaviors
Religiosity and spirituality and basic human values
Well-being, mental health, and social support
The influence of COVID-19 pandemic on emotions, attitudes, and behaviors
Urbańska, B. (2021). Religijność młodych Polaków: ucieczka od religii czy od Kościoła? [Religiosity of young Poles: escape from religion or from the Church?] In Skarżyńska, K. (eds.), Młodzi dorośli: identyfikacje, postawy, aktywizm i problemy życiowe. (pp. 35-51). Warszawa: Instytut Problemów Współczesnej Cywilizacji im. Marka Dietricha.
Bojanowska, A., Kaczmarek, Ł. D., Koscielniak, M., & Urbańska, B. (2021). Changes in values and well-being amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland. PLOS ONE, 16(9), e0255491.
Skarżyńska, K., Urbańska, B., & Radkiewicz, P. (2021). Under or out of government control? The effects of individual mental health and political views on the attribution of responsibility for covid-19 incidence rates. Social Psychological Bulletin, 16(1), 1–21.
Bojanowska, A., & Urbańska, B. (2021). Individual values and well-being: The moderating role of personality traits. International Journal of Psychology, 56(5), 698–709.