Ask an Expert: Are we able to identify with and feel connected with people around the world? A symposium at PennWest

Four members of our Lab were guests at a virtual panel discussion exploring global identification and connection-building across societal divides on Tuesday, March 26, 2024.


The event was organized by the American Democracy Project at Pennsylvania Western (PennWest) University:

“Ask an Expert: Are we able to identify with and feel connected with people around the world?"


You can find the recording here: Link


The presentations included:


  • Dr. Justin Hackett - “Can identification with all humanity moderate political beliefs?”

  • Dr. Katarzyna Hamer - “Global social identifications around the world and their connection to concern for global problems and sustainable development goals.”

  • Dr. Anna Włodarczyk - “Collective effervescence, self-transcendence, and gender differences in social well-being during International Women's Day: A nine country study.”

  • Dr. Theofilos Gkinopoulos - “Beliefs in conspiracy theories and societal divides: Current evidence and directions forward.”